Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March holidays!

When the March holidays came,I was so glad! I slept late,always woke up late,it was relaxing.

On Saturday,I went for ballet as normal.But then after that,I watched "Hotel For Dogs"...Surprisingly,without planning,we met a friend of my mum's.Our mothers caught up,then we said our goodbyes.

On Monday,I had some of my classmates come over to my house to do a project.For some of them,it was their first time to see my house,so we had fun.In the end,we ended up playing more than doing the project,but we still finished it in the end.It was so much fun!

On Wednesday,my mum brought me to Spotlight in Plaza Singapura for....buying cloth for a fashion project.I'm suppose to make a dress,oooo,sounds sooo interesting,but I haven't finished yet...But I'm halfway,YAY!Hopefully finishing soon.

On Thursday I had another friend come over,she was my best friend from last year.Although she said she could sleepover,her mum had some last minute plans,so,she couldn't sleepover in the end....I was so sad...But we still had fun playing my favourite board game:Monopoly.When my mum came home,we had dinner then we went downstairs to eat ice cream for dessert.My friend and I thought it was very yummy...Sadly,soon after,my friend had to leave,we waved our goodbyes and hoped to have another play date soon.

On Friday night,I watched Race to Witch Mountain,I was so excited as I've been waiting to watch this movie since I saw an advertisement on TV last year in a hotel where I stayed for a little while in Orlando.The movie was great!Just everything I expected it to be...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

That was the problem...I didn't know

You can never love an object more than your family.Even though each family has their own problems,we always make up in the end...

A family can fight and be angry at eachother but they'll always be there for eachother when times get difficult.A person could never love an object more than family no matter how hard life gets,family will always be there.An object can never comfort or give advice,it can only give you pride.An object can never fill the place of a family...

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Current Thoughts In My Mind...

I so wish to go back to America,the last time I went there,I went to Orlando...It was fun,I went to Disney World,I went with my brother and mother.We went to all sorts of rides.I also wish to go back to Maldives,touch up on my tanning and snorkeling.I also wish to go back to Bangkok and do some shopping.Plus I want to go back to Bali and do some scrubs and get more massages.I've also always wanted to go to Paris and see the Eiffel tower,but so far,my mum says I'm too young to go there because it'll be too boring for me.Anyway,I also wish to go back to Tokyo,because the last time I went,I went with my grandparents and uncle,we had so much fun in Tokyo Disney Sea and Land.I prefered Disney Sea more than Disney Land.I wish we could just go back to the old days...
But most of all,I want to go back to my grand mother's home in Australia,because of the global warming there have been bush fires and heat waves there.I want to go back and spend my time with them and see all my old friends.I also really hope that my birthday will turn out as well as it did every other year.